Dominic Kießling

I’m currently playing a lot with ventilators and foil. It gives me great joy to create huge artworks with minimal technology and minimal design. My aim is to set the perfect stage for physical forces to perform. I design physical experiments rather than artworks.

My artworks in general are always trying to challange our visual perception. Therefor I try to be as abstract and minimalistic as possible. I’m dealing with the most basic mechanisms of vision, without beeing too theoretical during the process of making. When I create an artwork, I act intuitivly. I do not make big plans. I often start with something very simple and play around with it until something interesting happens. Or not. There are lots of disappointments in my work, but they are worth it as from time to time there are these magic moments when dead things come to life. 

In my past I did a lot of computer aided motion design and complex video installations in a Berlin based design studio called Pfadfinderei. In that context you can see my current work as a disire for simplicity and a balance to digital culture.

For my portfolio please visit:

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